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TV SVETLO: My inventions are used by the world, and Serbia imports them! (VIDEO)

HELM CAST: Lost Danube civilisation (VIDEO)
October 3, 2019
NEW INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC PAPER: Experimental investigation of energy production by using pendulum
November 1, 2019

Academician Veljko Milković was a guest of the Internet channel TV Svetlo, for which interviews are conducted by eminent Serbian economist and publicist Branko Dragaš. In his visit, Academician Milković talks about his inventions that are widely used and produced in China, India and other countries, while modern energy efficient technologies are still being marginalized in Serbia. This is primarily about the application of the two-stage mechanical oscillator, as a device of high energy efficiency, as well as self-heating ecological houses that save up to 85% of the energy needed for heating and up to 100% of energy consumption for cooling.

In addition, Academician Milković talks about prehistoric civilization, such as the Maya and Incas, which was in Serbia and may have known laser and other advanced technologies, and that the change in the course of the Danube was the main cause of the disappearance of this civilization in the area of today's Vojvodina. Also, there was talk about the mysteries of the Petrovaradin fortress and the secrets of the labyrinth of tunnels that are part of it.

The show was hosted by Branko Dragas.

Watch the full interview (in Serbian)

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