Environmentally sustainable business environment
Considerable savings in energy used for heating and cooling of industrial and business facilities are gained when the concept of self-heating eco-house is applied on them. Constructing business facilities of various uses (public buildings, restaurants, hotels, tourist facilities, etc) could increase society’s eco awarenes, responsible behavior in energy usage and the use of clean and renewable energy sources. Such business facilities would draw attention of tourists, explorers and visitors wit their own unique and unconventional arhitecture, ecological significalnce and atractiveness.

Self-heating business facilities could also be a tourist attraction, because of their autonomy and neutrality towards the enviroment. Such unusual buildings could induce attention and couriosity, thus contributing to financial success of restaurnts, hotels and other tourist facilities.
Implementation: catering services (cafes, pastry shops, restaurants), tourist faciities (hotels, motels, etno house, etno tourist willage, tourist info-centar), public buildings (Energy efficiency and renewable energy promotion and education center, head offices for local energy, energy efficiency and enviromintal protection services), buildings in protected areas of nature (mountain lodges, visitor centers, mountain and forest services, animal winter shelters, public toilets), accomodation and other facilities in Sports and recreation centers, social security and care centers (trees and plants surroundings extend the lifespan of tenants), educational institutions, etc.
Areas:: energetics, environment (ecology), construction (civil engineering)
Disciplines: sustainable architecture, healthy living, energy efficiency in buildings, renewable energy sources
Novi Sad Energie-Haus Project
AENS-VEMIRC Center for Promotion and Education on Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy - Novi Sad Energy House is a unique promotional eco center which will present in one place the best solutions for energy efficiency in buildings and renewable energy and be a new gathering and educational center for energetics and environmental protection.

The construction of this promo center, as an open, public and demonstrational facility in an easily accessible place, will allow direct public education on the latest technical developments in the field of alternative energy and low-energy building in order to raise environmental awareness, to develop energy-responsible behavior and to promote the use of renewable and clean energy sources.
Exterior of the building, reflective surfaces, public display with facility energy data information, earth sheltering, green roof, solar powered devices, photovoltaic parking lot, electric vehicle chargers...
Presentation room, boiler room, offices, entrance hall, Energy House showroom...
Applied technologies
Passive solar systems
- - Earth sheltering, green roof, vertical greening (huge accumulation of heat and natural cooling of the object - a constant soil temperature of about +12°C throughout the year)
- - South orientation (maximum utilization of solar energy during the winter)
- - Reflective surfaces around the windows (2.5 times more light and heat in the building)
Active solar systems
- - Solar hot water panels (preparation of hot sanitary water and heating support)
- - Photovoltaic panels (electricity production for its own needs and market)
- - Geothermal heat pump (additional heating support)
- - Biomass heating system (additional heating support)
- - Waste water treatment system
- - Underground rainwater harvesting tank
- - Approach roads heaters (access paths and parking underfloor heating...)
- - Electric vehicle chargers in the photovoltaic parking lot
- - Public display with facility energy data information (real-time measurement of external and internal building temperature, consumption of additional heating energy, electricity production and consumption...)
- - home automation - Smart Building (control of internal and external lighting, control of additional heating systems, control of sidewalks and parking underfloor heating, irrigation system management, access control, electronic and video surveillance, alarm system, control of devices, reflective surfaces movement control...)