Conceptual solution
The concept of "Self-Heating Ecological Buildings” by Veljko Milković Research and development center is a representation of highly energy efficient buildings with passive solar architecture, which are heated by solar energy and are directed towards south. It is designed so that there is a soil layer around the structure of the buildings instead of a roof for a maximum preservation of free solar energy and they have reflective surfaces that are installed around the window frames. .

This represents an innovative solar technology which is used to increase the amount of heat and light that enters the building. This model of building construction is appliable in buildings of various purposes: private households, agriculural and livestock buildings, public and business buildings, etc. The base for the construction model of these highly energy efficient buildings is the concept of “Self-heating eco-house”, designed and patented by academician Veljko Milković.
Over a decades-long verified scientific monitoring of the results and effects of its usage, it has been confirmed that "Self-Heating Ecological House" saves up to 85% on heating, 100% on cooling, 30% on lighting and around 10% on building material. Therefore, it represents the only house building concept where highest energy savings are achieved with minimum investments.
Areas: energetics, environment (ecology), construction (civil engineering)
Disciplines: sustainable architecture, healthy living, energy efficiency in buildings, renewable energy sources
Self-Heating Ecological House
A Solar Earth-Sheltered Building
Business facilities
Public buildings, corporate offices, restaurants, cafes, tourist centers