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NEW INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC PAPER: Design and mathematical modelling of pendulum based pump

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Research into the possibility of applying the two-stage mechanical oscillator by academician Veljko Milković in the world is not waning. Every year, several scientific papers are published around the world that deal with the specific application of the two-stage mechanical oscillator, and a lot of these scientific research papers are related to its application on the hand water pump. The following scientific paper was published in India, at the school of mechanical engineering, part of the Galgotias University located at the planned city of Greater Noida.

In this paper, the authors Shubham Kumar, Mohsin Alam, Satya Prakash Singh, Mohit Kuntal I Jiyaul Mustafa represent the design and mathematical modeling of a hand-held water pump with a pendulum. An abridged version of this paper was published in the journal "IJSRD - International Journal for Scientific Research & Development" in May 2020, while the full research paper is an integral part of the work aimed at obtaining a bachelor's degree in authorship. The introductory part states:

The objective of this project is to decrease human effort to pump water and save electricity. With the help of link mechanism and spring force we can able to convert oscillatory motion to linear motion. So, the energy consumption of this system will be lowest. Use of pendulum based pump can reduce human effort, increase efficiency and save time. Its eco-friendly and maintenance and production cost is also less.

It should be noted that the references of this paper contain several previously published scientific research papers dealing with the pendulum water pump. These international papers can be found on our website here.

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