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Exit from the centuries-old vicious energy circle

NEW PATENT: Hammer driven by a two-stage oscillator
October 27, 2023
Milković: Energy of new oscillations – A historical event (VIDEO)
February 2, 2024

The entire energy industry today is in a vicious cycle of rotation, because turbines, propellers, rotors, flywheels, gears, pulleys, etc, which are dominant in energetics, are far less efficient than oscillations and technical solutions based on them, such as Veljko Milkovic's two-stage oscillator technology.


Given the current energy situation (crisis), global warming and all that, it's time to give some thought to these more advanced and forward-thinking oscillation-based technologies and use the achieved ultra-efficiency effects by applying elasticity-based improvements to accelerate our world's transition to an energy-sustainable future.

In this article, we will make a sort of review of information about the two-stage mechanical oscillator, its results related to ultra-efficiency, what the scientific community says about this invention, it's exploitation in the world so far, etc.

Ultra-efficiency is achieved directly and indirectly


Official electric measurement by Institute for Energetics, Electronics and Telecommunications, University of Novi Sad (Serbia) – measurement conducted by Prof. Slobodan Milovancev, Ph.D. from the Faculty of Technical Sciences in 2005:

Prof. G. R. Nikhade, R.U. Patil and S. P. Bansal from the Department of Mechanical Engineering of Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering and Management in Nagpur, India published a paper in 2013 that scientifically proved the super-efficiency of the pendulum drive::
Two-stage oscillator mechanism for operating a reciprocating pump

Goran Mitic, a Serbian physicist, stated in his public appearances that he experimentally obtained nine times more output energy than input with the invention of Veljko Milkovic's two-stage mechanical oscillator.


Laboratory proof of the superiority of the elastic (flexible) pendulum in relation to the electric motor
Concrete proof by means of laboratory measurement that an elastic (flexible) pendulum oscillates a hundred times longer than an asynchronous motor even though the motor had several times higher initial energy – measurement conducted by Prof. Slobodan Milovancev, Ph.D. from the Faculty of Technical Sciences in 2014: ._electric_motor.pdf

Veljko Milkovic – "Everything is in Energy" (short film)
In a short video film, the astronomical difference in the initial energy of an electric motor compared to a pendulum drive is shown (related to the measurement described above).

Therefore, attention should be paid to the energy of oscillations, which is agreed by various experts worldwide.

During the previous years, prominent scientists and physicists emphasized the great importance of the discovery of the pendulum drive and its revolutionary contribution to science and technology:

academician Prof. Bratislav Tosic, Ph.D.:
It is estimated that the input of gravity in the performance of two-stage oscillator is around 80%...

Peter Lindemann, D.Sc. (USA)
This certainly ranks as one of the most important discoveries in science in the last 300 years.

Prof. Velimir Abramovic, Ph.D.:
The two-stage oscillator is also the best mechanical analogy of the alternating current, even better than Tesla's analogy.

Prof. Slobodan Milovancev, Ph.D., Faculty of Technical Sciences of University of Novi Sad (Serbia)
After numerous trials, consultations and conducted measurements, it can be concluded that, in certain areas, elastic (flexible) pendulums have a significant advantage over rotary machines. It represents a significant addition to mechanics, and probably beyond. ...In addition to the practical aspect, it is also important theoretically. Even good connoisseurs are surprised that it is still possible to discover something new in mechanics, on the way to obtaining clean energy. This may not be the end, because some postulates are being called into question.

Jovan Bebic, M.Sc. in Electrical Engineering:
Based on the results of measurements and observations during this experiment and ten years of insight into the results of experiment involving the two-stage oscillator by Veljko Milkovic, I can absolutely confirm that this is the biggest invention in the history of science!

Slobodan Masanovic, B.Sc. Eng.:
I believe that the invention of Veljko Milkovic, "Two-stage mechanical oscillator" is the greatest scientific discovery in the history of mankind, which has been experimentally proven in many places around the world. It is a discovery that changes the entire scientific paradigm of both physics itself and many other disciplines. With this discovery, Veljko Milkovic inspired many researchers, and once again confirmed something we have all known for a long time – that the most ingenious things are always simple in essence! Only decades – and centuries ahead of us will show the full magnitude of this discovery of Milkovic. I think that humanity is currently neither ready nor aware of what this is really about!

Zoran Pobor:
By analyzing the operation of the two-stage mechanical oscillator, we come to conclusions that support the claim that it is a revolutionary invention that sets new standards and definitions of physics, thermodynamics, motion... The use of oscillatory motion in certain mechanical assemblies can be many times more effective than existing technical solutions, and Milkovic's research work deserves more attention and recognition!

Everything that Veljko Milković claimed in his performances in recent years is in line with the thoughts of the greatest minds:

If at first the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it.Albert Einstein

It is possible, and even probable, that there will be, in time, other resources of energy opened up, of which we have no knowledge now. We may even find ways of applying forces such as magnetism or gravity for driving machinery without using any other means. Such realizations, though highly improbable, are not impossible.Nikola Tesla

Our contemporary scientist Michio Kaku, an American-Japanese theoretical physicist, says in his book Physics of the Impossible (2008): Impossible is relative.

No anti-thesis more than 7 years
The experimental anti-thesis award is over

After more than 7 years no one has yet come forward and presented experimental evidence to support the claim that rotations are better than oscillations

On September 14, 2016, at a public forum in Novi Sad (Serbia), as well as on several other occasions, before and after on social networks, the media, public appearances, fair events, a competition for a prize of 100,000 RSD was announced for a successful proof and experimental anti-thesis that oscillations of an elastic (flexible) pendulum are not more efficient than rotations.

To date, no one has yet come up with any model and presented practical proof that a wheel (or anything else that rotates) spins longer than a pendulum – Ie. that the stopping time of the wheel is longer than the oscillation of the elastic (flexible) pendulum.

Since there were no registered candidates during previous years, Veljko Milkovic was extending the competition until further notice and even guaranteeing with all his assets that oscillations are more efficient than rotations, that are dominant in energetics, and he was also inviting researchers and all people interested in science and technology to present practical evidence in contribution to this anti-thesis and win a valuable prize.

After seven years, Veljko Milkovic announced that this award competition has ended, because no one, absolutely no one, has brought any rotary device to confirm or question this claim.

This award competition is now definitely over and there is no more prize money, but in the future anyone can come again without any obligation to keep checking this. If anyone has a rotary device, or maybe a better oscillating device, let us compare it. Checking and testing will further continue, but there is no longer a monetary reward, but everything is on a voluntary basis.

Potential candidates with an anti-thesis should publicly present themselves and publicly announce (preferably on what they are competing against with. Additional arrangements for demonstration as needed.

The invention is being researched on all continents

The two-stage mechanical oscillator and its practical application have been studied worldwide for 20 years in university centers, institutes and by enthusiasts. In addition to numerous researchers in the USA and the EU, there are particularly intensive and massive studies in India.

So far, a large number of scientific and research papers have been published around the world; 2 doctoral theses (Ph.D. dissertations) published so far [the third one in the final stage], 39 scientific-research papers, 5 university graduate theses, 5 papers from different scientific conferences, as well as 10 other papers related to this invention.

Companies around the world apply Veljko Milkovic's invention

In the early 2000s, the two-stage oscillator experienced an expansion of international research in the world, mostly thanks to the development of Internet technologies and online presentations that enabled easy and fast international exchange of all forms of data.

In addition to a large number of international scientific works, mostly on the subject of the application of this invention in water supply and power engineering, in recent years a huge number of engineering companies in China, India and other Southeast Asian countries research, develop and produce various technical devices, most often machines for heavy industry, from some of which sell their products under the name of Veljko Milkovic, on e-commerce platforms such as China's

A University in Germany recommends the two-stage oscillator

Prof. Dr. Klaus Turtur, a distinguished physicist from the Ostfalia University of Applied Sciences in Germany, in light of the current energy transition and the quest for technical solutions that can provide long-term clean energy sources, published an overview and report on the perspectives of new energy technologies, where he also recommended Veljko Milkovic's two-stage oscillator.. We reported on this in one of the previously published news.
Project overview: Several Approaches for Zero point energy - Converters
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Claus W. Turtur

Major improvement made

In the field of further development of the two-stage oscillator, the improvement of the oscillator construction itself was achieved, and thus, at the same time, the efficiency of the device itself was increased.

How to Make a Two-Stage Oscillator More Efficient

Based on all independent scientific papers published so far, as well as videos of replicas of the two-stage mechanical oscillator that can be found on the Internet, it is noted that all these mechanisms are constructed using steel ball bearings. These steel ball bearings are a hidden brake, which is harmful during operation because it reduces the inertia and thus the efficiency of the entire device (this is a harmful phenomenon in the case of oscillations, but not in the case of rotations as well) which can be alleviated by the use of ceramic bearings that are lighter than steel bearings, which results in a reduction of friction and inertia, thus achieving a longer duration of oscillations, thus greater efficiency and lower energy consumption for their maintenance (e.g. in the case of maintaining the oscillation of a pendulum).

Another improvement is achieved in the design with elastic (flexible) pendulum and elastic (flexible) lever support where the ball bearings are eliminated, therefore less energy is lost in the inertia of the balls and friction, thus achieving even greater efficiency of the device. It is now an elastic structure that gives the best results where we have higher speed and less energy dissipation. That is, we have a kind of energy recycling that occurs due to elasticity. This means that it is significantly more efficient than all existing technical designs so far. The elastic structure also seems to fit into the Schumann resonance and gravitational waves.

NEW patent of Veljko Milkovic “Hammer Driven by a Two-Stage Oscillator” P-2021/1215

NEW patent of Veljko Milkovic “Electric Generator with Magnets Driven by a Two-Stage Oscillator” [3D animation]

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