Research related to the production of electricity using this mechanism is on the rise. The following scientific paper was published in Myanmar (formerly Burma), at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Yangon Technological University..
Academician Veljko Milković was a guest of the independent media production Balkan Info, which published its first interview in 2020 with him. In this interview, the main emphasis is on the application of the two-stage mechanical oscillator,
Academician Veljko Milković published a new scientific paper on the topic "Synergy between invested energy and gravitation i two-stage mechanical oscillator". This paper is a kind of continuation of the presentation and promotion of a two - stage mechanical oscillator and it presents the latest observations and measurement results.
Research related to the production of electricity with the use of a two-stage mechanical oscillator is on the rise. The following scientific paper was published in India, at Wainanga College of Engineering and Management located at the large university center in Nagpur city.
The guest on the YouTube channel Nauka i Misterije Balkan was Veljko Milković, inventor and researcher. He is engaged in research, invention, innovation, studying the history of inventions, futuristic projects, writing, etc.